Monthly Archive: June 2009

Creative Business Ideas

June is a super busy month for me. Business has been good, but as a small business owner, I’m always looking for ways to grow. Check out these unique business cards. If nothing else, the will get you to think of other ways to share your company brand.

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Speaker for Juvenile Justice System

Today, I spoke at the Juvenile facility in Oxnard for girls. My friend, Kelly had asked me to talk about the how being a women gave me an advantage or disadvantage to be a photographer. It started kind of emotionally for me, as my path as a full time photographer had been a strange road, […]

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Misc Monday

Today was “get ready for the summer day.” Officially! I got everything checked out, everything except my dog, who is overdue for her shots, but, refuses to go to the vet without drama. She is tramatized by just the parking lot at the vet. My son was the one who chose her from the Humane […]

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