Monthly Archive: February 2011

Inside my week of being a photographer

My week:  Here it is: Monday, photographing 300-400 scientists at a local hotel for an international convention with Jeanne Tanner.  Evening:  burning dvds of an engagement, wedding and children’s birthday shoot.  Tuesday:  photographing city manager for Camarillo, Bruce, so nice! Delivering wedding album and mailing out dvds.  Wednesday, tomorrow:  Senior ‘best of’ for local high […]

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Angelina and Mike’s engagement

They met at her uncle’s restaurant, Tony’s in Carpinteria, while Angelina was his waitress, on her way to being a District Attorney:)  She asked Mike if he would like another beer, and when he declined due to his work schedule, Angelina replied “go big or go home!”  Mike, a big wave surfer, went big!  Their […]

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Last January, found myself waiting for my son to finish out his shift at Betty Belts, a store his father’s girlfriend owns in Ventura.  Was sitting in the rain listening to the radio, wondering what I should be doing next with my life, my photography career, when this song came on.  A song I had […]

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