Inside my week of being a photographer
My week: Here it is:
Monday, photographing 300-400 scientists at a local hotel for an international convention with Jeanne Tanner. Evening: burning dvds of an engagement, wedding and children’s birthday shoot. Tuesday: photographing city manager for Camarillo, Bruce, so nice! Delivering wedding album and mailing out dvds. Wednesday, tomorrow: Senior ‘best of’ for local high school. Photographing play photos for a Camarillo elementary school in evening. Always like their plays 🙂 Thursday: Club photos at local high school in am and then website photos for local, online business in pm. Friday: boudoir shoot in am, dance photos in pm. Saturday: 10 hour wedding in Santa Barbara. Sunday: engagement session. Finish editing wedding from Saturday. Tonight: retouching, contacting new clients, getting gear in order. That is a typical week in my life. Love what I do!
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