Take me with you. I love adventure.

This week was a sensory overloaded one, but for those of you that know me, that’s what I thrive on.  So I’m thriving.  Started the week out meeting up with my son, Jon, the Muy Thai fighter, for lunch in North Hollywood, his new home.  He drove me to the airport to go to Vegas.  My car’s tire went flat, so I left him in a parking lot and left.  Sorry to do that to you, Jon!  I got on the plane.  Jet Blue.  Nice, but someone was in my seat.  No problem.  Flight attendant informed me that they would pay me $1000 if I got bumped off of the flight!  I thought I hit the jackpot before I even reached Vegas:)  No such luck.  They found me a seat, but then decided EVERYONE had to exit the plane.  What?? I had things to do when I got to Vegas.  Few hours later, we landed and I got ready for party at the Mandalay with Pictage.  I have to tell you that I jumped on the bed, in a pent house suite, overlooking the strip.  I’m just saying if you can’t do it in Vegas, where else would I ever do that?  (Mexico :).  I recruited a couple of other victims in my jumping.  Next day was WPPI.  I had engagement session with a couple who are getting married in Newbury Park, but live there.  Danica and Bryan, you were both such good sports…!  And soo cute together.  Can”t wait to shoot your wedding.  Two days of shooting for Pictage.  I got to see Jasmine Star’s platform, which apparently 2 thousand people got turned away.  Kind of Rolling Stoneish…people were fighting.  Not pretty.  Flew back to Burbank to yet another flat tire, so I took the tow truck express all the way to Ventura, where I got a ride to work at  6:30 in the morning.  Not a pretty site, I’m sure.  Last two days were a blur.  Today, I shot an engagement session at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley.  Uri and Bethany were such good sports, and well, can I say I didn’t see a single book at the library, but we have some amazing and unique images for them..and they are soo sweet.  They will be getting married in August.  Then I sped back to the beach, where I shot the easiest family shoot, ever.  Sorry about the bracelets, Jacqueline.  Soo nice to catch up with long ago friend and her growing up fast family before her cute, Navy husband leaves for a year 🙁  But  what a nice evening I had!!  Then yesterday, I shot John and Julia’s engagement session at El Matador beach in Malibu and then at the Gardens’ of Hope at Pepperdine.  If you have never been there, it’s a must see.  It was so peaceful there that I could feel angels.  It was built as a memorial to one of the passengers of flight 93 that went down on September 11.  So amazing.  And John was such a good sport climbing all of the hills that they don’t have in Texas, where he’s from.  I will post photos as I get them done and get permission…

Let’s start with Danica and Bryan.  HERE is their slide show.

And Julie’s family.  How do they all look so good?? 

And then, Uri and Bethany at the Reagan Library.  I will post their slide show soon!

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