Speaker for Juvenile Justice System

Today, I spoke at the Juvenile facility in Oxnard for girls. My friend, Kelly had asked me to talk about the how being a women gave me an advantage or disadvantage to be a photographer. It started kind of emotionally for me, as my path as a full time photographer had been a strange road, to say the least. It was rewarding to hear positive things from the girls. I was hoping to convey to them that self esteem had a large roll to play in how we establish ourselves and to not let others’ dictate our future if we are truly striving for our dream. Kelly has worked at the facility as a probation officer and now teaches photography there thanks to Girls, Inc. And since every blog post is better with a fabulous photo, here is Roxanna, who had her wedding shower yesterday. Roxanna: I can’t wait to shoot your wedding. It’s going to beautiful, happy and emotional! Hang on for the ride of your life!

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  1. Kelly Segre says:

    Ronnie thanks so much! The girls loved you and you were true inspiration!