if my shoes fit….

When I was a little girl, I danced. I took ballet from time to time, but sometimes I would just dance, spontaneously, anywhere! (grocery store lines, school) you get the idea. When I grew up, I tried to resume my love of dancing, but that idea was suddenly put aside once again when I was t-boned by a semi-truck on the 101 freeway and was forced to once again, put away my ballet shoes for orthodic insoles. I’ve been meaning to try them on again, a bit afraid that they wouldn’t fit, or I’d be still to injured to dance, but guess what? They do fit! And I’m gonna try them out tomorrow night at a re-entry level ballet class. Please pray for my feet, that they can dance once again.
9-15-08 8:00pm update: I took the class and it went great! No pain and I feel soo good!

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