One of my favorite places in the world and why

My fascination with a piers came at an early age.  I remember my feet could hardly pull me forward as they inched over the rough wood and held onto my Mother’s hand. This was part of our Sunday afternoon ritual, growing up in Santa Barbara.  I’m sure my brothers were entertained as cried.  Really thought my body would just slip through the cracks into the sea. as my parents forced me to walk out over the calm, ocean water.  I was scared to death! To this day, I can picture in my mind the color of the water, under my toes. as they clenched to hold on to my life.  Surely, at any given time, I was going to fall through the cracks, to that water below?   Couldn’t we just stay safely at the bottom of the pier, where they sold pinwheels and Cracker Jacks?  Adrenalin and beauty.  All in one spot.  No wonder they are now my favorite place to be at any given time!

Fast forward decades of my life, a pier now holds a safe facination for my mind.  I still can tell when I walk on any pier as the ground below me transitions from sand to water. Even with my eyes shut.  On any given day, you will find me there, on one of them.  One of my favorite places on this earth to be, with my body holding close, as it walks over the sea.

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