Author: Ronnie Slavin

Roxanna and Paul at Las Posas Country Club, Camarillo

I am now convinced you can find love and it will endure under the stresses of life. I photographed Roxanna and Paul’s engagement last year at the happiest place on earth, Disneyland. No stress, no worries, not a care in the world other than the crowds and the heat. What a day! The next year […]

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Christina + Trent’s Ventura Engagement

Christina and Trent met in college. Christina lives here and Trent lives in Chicago, where they both will live once they get married. When we met downtown Ventura for the photos, I took a moment to ask them what they had in common and what would they like their photos to capture. Both share the […]

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Love ReUnited

Last Memorial Day, I came across this organization which allows me to give back to those who have chosen to serve our country in the military. My admiration goes way back. My parent’s wedding photographer photographed their wedding for them and in turn, they were published for a magazine. Here’s the link.

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Creative Business Ideas

June is a super busy month for me. Business has been good, but as a small business owner, I’m always looking for ways to grow. Check out these unique business cards. If nothing else, the will get you to think of other ways to share your company brand.

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Speaker for Juvenile Justice System

Today, I spoke at the Juvenile facility in Oxnard for girls. My friend, Kelly had asked me to talk about the how being a women gave me an advantage or disadvantage to be a photographer. It started kind of emotionally for me, as my path as a full time photographer had been a strange road, […]

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Misc Monday

Today was “get ready for the summer day.” Officially! I got everything checked out, everything except my dog, who is overdue for her shots, but, refuses to go to the vet without drama. She is tramatized by just the parking lot at the vet. My son was the one who chose her from the Humane […]

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My home

I’ve been all over the place. I’ve driven so much in my Hyundai that the IRS likes to audit me and my miles. My odometer just turned 100,000 miles today. That was in just over three years. It’s amazing the places we’ve been to together. I took this photo from the plane on my way […]

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Love’s Secret Domain

I’m a Mom. Through and through. I’m also a businesswoman. My kids’ grew up watching me run a surf shop and being a mom. I thought that since they were older, they would need me less. I could pursue my photo career dead on. They are supported of that, but then my eldest son, Josh […]

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Rincon Beach Club, Monique and Dennis

I received a call from Monique, just a few weeks before their wedding. Since I had photographed her friends’ wedding, she was wondering if I would be available to shoot her wedding as well. I have photographed several times at Rincon Beach Club and I was thrilled to be available. I was able to have […]

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