Author: Ronnie Slavin

Endless Summer

The Bishop from Oxnard with Peter and Velia Bard Mansion, Port Hueneme Base So glad to have almost caught up with all my weddings, but that means, summer is winding down and this makes me a little sad..Yes, I will have time to clean my studio and walk with my dog, but leaves me wondering […]

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Today was a great day!  It’s a summer Saturday and somehow found it wedding-less.  I’m shooting one tomorrow and had one last night, so life is good!Met up with a former couple that I had photographed their wedding for eight years ago, at the Adamson House in Malibu.  We had reconnected again through Facebook and […]

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Just a Thought…

Am constantly in awe of what I get to witness.  If I didn’t have to make any money to support myself, what would I take photos of?  People and their environment.  Those two elements continually challenge my creative side, and I love both of them.

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Georgianna and Jacob’s Ventura Engagement

My kids attended Pierpont School in Ventura.  We had recently transplanted our family here from Santa Barbara and once I spotted this public school, right on the beach, I knew it was a perfect fit for our beach oriented family. Josh and Jon attended their entire elementary years, kindergarten through 5th grade, them making lifelong […]

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So my sister, Theresa Hayes, just emailed me about her day.  Theresa is a wonderful nurse, although you would much rather run into her in a grocery store,  rather than at her “day” job, which is an intensive care nurse at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara.  Apparently she ran into friend of mine.   At the […]

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Santa Barbara

My hometown.  Born at St. Francis, which is now shut down, youngest of a family of eight, we were a large family of fish in a small town….Everyone knew one another.  Stores closed at 8pm and you played tennis in the street in front of your home,   Tomorrow, I go back to my hometown to […]

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2am on Sunday

Really is 2am on a Sunday.  Just shot wedding for Christine and Mark at The Secret Garden.  Soo beautiful!  Forgot to ask them if I could share their images or not, so, guess that will have to wait.  Also shot this week for Native Daughters of the Golden West.  Brought back memories from my growing […]

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Saturday Mornings

Usually my Saturdays involve lots of preparation for my event later in the day.  Charging batteries, organizing my camera gear and making sure that everything is in order for my wedding that day.  Today is a little different.  Needed it to be.  Don’t want to take any aspect of my life for granted.  Even the […]

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June is my January

Shooting season begins for me this week.  Will not see a free Saturday until maybe October.  I am soo happy to be able to do what I do.  This week was unbelievable.  Was on top of an airplane hanger and then in a helicopter to photograph multi million dollar aircraft for Avex, Inc., then went […]

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Time to fly.

Last twenty years of life, I’ve been shooting, but my main priority were my sons, Josh and Jon.  Wanted to get them raised in the way that I hadn’t been.  Supportive, energized, full of you can do it all thinking!  Harder to be an artist than to be a doctor.  There is no path, but […]

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