
Last January, found myself waiting for my son to finish out his shift at Betty Belts, a store his father’s girlfriend owns in Ventura.  Was sitting in the rain listening to the radio, wondering what I should be doing next with my life, my photography career, when this song came on.  A song I had heard many times before, but for some reason, on this day, it became part of my life.  My sister moved to Memphis when I was young.  Had raised her family there.  Worked at St Judes, then U of Memphis in the Elvis Presley Trauma Unit.  For some reasons, we, as a family, had never been.  Our last real vacation was on the island of Oahu.  My sons were in grade school, my husband wanting out of our marriage.  I listened to this song and made a promise in my heart that I would go there, take my family there.  Well, this year, that magic happened.

Josh and Jon and I traveled during the holidays to photograph an amazing couple’s wedding.  Yes, people get married everyday, but Megan had found me, and trusted ME, to capture the soul of her day, her life, as she married Alan.  A church with history, in spite of tornado warnings, on New Years Eve.    Was not going to let them down, in spite of the heavy rain, the missed flights….Her family and friend embraced me, brought me into their circle of life. 
New Years Eve is also Jonathan’s birthday.  Once again, I was working.  Sorry Jon, some things don’t change too much, but I love you and was glad that your cousins and Aunt and Uncle could help you celebrate. 

HERE is a link to their slide show.  They have my favorite bridal party portrait to date, and she has allowed me to share it here as well as on my website!  Here’s to taking risks and sharing family time and creating great images along the way!
Alan and Megan, I love you for letting me capture your day, and to Memphis:  I hope to walk in you many, many more times!

xo, Ronnie

ps:  we visited Graceland!!

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